
8 Tips for skin care in winter

Winter! could be more enjoyable if we don't have to face the problem of dry & itchy skin in winter. Don't worry you are not the only one who see his/her skin dry as it is white washed after enjoying a hot shower. Dry skin in winter is not as much a big problem but not taking care of this problem causes itchy skin & it could leave you to eczema. Don't worry, the good news is that it could be controlled really easily. So, I am here presenting you tips of skin care in winter.

Let's start our check list of Winter care tips for skin care.

1. Change your soap:

Normal soaps strip the natural oils from your skin, consider mild soaps such as Dove, or washes like Cetaphil, which are gentle on the skin and don’t strip away essential oils.

Normal soaps strip the natural oils from your skin, consider mild soaps such as Dove, or washes like Cetaphil, which are gentle on the skin and don’t strip away essential oils.

2. Water temperature:

A hot shower feels heavenly after a long cold tiresome day but hot water removes the moisture of the skin. Control the temperature of shower to neither cold nor too hot like fresh water coming from the ground.

A hot shower feels heavenly after a long cold tiresome day but hot water removes the moisture of the skin. Control the temperature of shower to neither cold nor too hot like fresh water coming from the ground.

3. Use soft towel and rehydrate:

After a hot shower your skin is more porous, so dry yourself gently &  don’t rub too hard. Then apply an unscented, uncolored moisturiser. Petroleum jelly and mineral oils are great moisturisers.

After a hot shower your skin is more porous, so dry yourself gently &  don’t rub too hard. Then apply an unscented, uncolored moisturizer. Petroleum jelly and mineral oils are great moisturizers.

4. Change your laundry detergent:

Switching your laundry products is a good decision for dry skin problem. Detergents with dyes and fragrances may cause itching.

Switching your laundry products is a good decision for dry skin problems. Detergents with dyes and fragrances may cause itching.

5. Use Sunscreen:

When we are talking about winter tips for health care, how can you forget to add Sunscreen in your checklist? It is used to be safe from damage caused by the sun. The sun in winter can still damage your skin. So, use it whenever you want to feel the warmth of the blazing sun in cold winter.

When we are talking about winter tips for health care, how can you forget to add Sunscreen in your checklist? It is used to be safe from damage caused by the sun. The sun in winter can still damage your skin. So, use it whenever you want to feel the warmth of the blazing sun in cold winter.

6. Change wet clothes:

While we are talking about clothes, make sure that they stay dry. Wet gloves and socks could irritate your skin which could possibly lead you to cracking and soreness. That can contribute to eczema. So, change your socks and dry out your gloves as early as possible.

While we are talking about clothes, make sure that they stay dry. Wet gloves and socks could irritate your skin which could possibly lead you to cracking and soreness. That can contribute to eczema. So, change your socks and dry out your gloves as early as possible.

7. Breakfast bath?

Oatmeal baths in moderately hot water can help to revive your dry and itchy skin. It relieves the painful Itching. Because Itchy skin normally has a high pH level. So, an oatmeal bath can normalize your skin’s pH.

8. Stay hydrated:

Drinking water in winter is a sure trip to the toilet because your veins squeeze up and the liver releases more fluid to decrease the stress on veins. So, try to stick to moderate daily water consumption.

Drinking water in winter is a sure trip to the toilet because your veins squeeze up and the liver releases more fluid to decrease the stress on veins. So, try to stick to moderate daily water consumption.

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