
The Ultimate Immunity Booster Soup

Feeling under the weather? looking for immunity boosting foods? or a healthy soup recipe to boost your immunity, you are at right place.

Kick that cold or influenza to the control with a definitive insusceptible helping soup. Packed full of vitamins and minerals from delicious ingredients like turmeric, kale and bok choy in a mushroom broth for a healthy vegetarian soup recipe.

Photo by Alesia Kozik

I sincerely believe in healing through food. No more genuine assertion has at any point been shared than when Hippocrates expressed "Let food be thy endlessly medication be thy food". While I'm beginning to or are feeling sick, my most memorable idea is to go to my kitchen in light of the fact that occasionally you simply need some superfoods to get your safe framework going.

Here’s What You Need:

  • Vegetables – yellow onion, garlic cloves, celery stalks, shiitake mushrooms, baby bok choy, kale and fresh ginger.

  • Coconut oil

  • Turmeric

  • Sea salt and pepper

Immunity Boosting Ingredients:

I needed to share why I decided to utilize specific ingredients. I'm completely entranced by the medical advantages of different food sources, so I want to believe that you nerd out to this stuff as well!

Mushrooms the soup is made in a mushroom stock (stewing mushrooms for more than 60 minutes) and mushrooms are a power food that contains Ergothioneine, a strong cell reinforcement that assists with wiping out free revolutionaries. They're likewise a strong wellspring of Vitamin D.

Coconut Oil contains two significant antiviral mixtures, lauric corrosive and caprylic corrosive. Together these aides avoid bacterial and viral diseases.

Garlic eating garlic can really help the quantity of infection battling Lymphocytes in your circulatory system. It additionally contains alliin which converts to allicin, which is accepted to be the significant antibacterial compound in garlic.

Turmeric most likely most popular for its capacity to battle irritation, turmeric contains a strong cell reinforcement called curcumin which is answerable for this diminishing in irritation that is regularly observed to be connected with different sicknesses.

Bok Choy – it is exceptionally high in Vitamin A, which is fundamental for an appropriately working safe framework, while likewise containing high measures of L-ascorbic acid, a cell reinforcement that safeguards the body from free revolutionaries.

Kale I don't actually have any idea where regardless the stalwart that is kale. It's pressed loaded with iron, which is fundamental for your body working at its definitive level, alongside being an extraordinary wellspring of nutrients and cell reinforcements. At the point when they say "eat your kale", EAT YOUR KALE!

How to Make the Ultimate Immune Boosting Soup:

STEP 1: Chop off the lower part of the originate from your mushrooms and dispose of. Separate the stems from the tops and cut the tops into huge pieces. You just need to dispose of the actual lower part of the mushroom stem!

STEP 2: Heat the coconut oil in an enormous pot over medium intensity. Add the onions and sauté until clear. Add the garlic and cook for an extra moment. Include the celery and mushrooms and sauté for around 10 minutes or until the mushrooms have withered.

STEP 3: Include the flavors (counting the ginger, if utilizing) and water and heat to the point of boiling. Lower intensity, cover and stew for essentially 60 minutes. The more you leave it, the better as I would see it!

STEP 4: Add the bok choy and kale as of now of cooking to shrivel. Appreciate!

How to Store Leftover Soup:

You've heard me announce my affection for soup previously and you'll hear it once more! One of the many reasons I love soup is that you can make one clump and eat it throughout the week! Allow your soup to cool somewhat prior to putting away in a sealed shut compartment in the fridge for as long as multi week.


  •  Prep Time: 5 minutes

  •  Cook Time: 1 hour 25 minutes

  •  Total Time: 90 minutes

  •  Yield: 6-8 bowls 1x

  •  Category: Soup

  •  Method: Cook

  •  Diet: Vegan


  • 1 tbsp coconut oil

  • 1 large yellow onion, chopped

  • 6 garlic cloves, minced

  • 2 celery stalks, sliced

  • 1 lb shiitake mushrooms

  • 1 1/2 tsp sea salt

  • 1/4 tsp black pepper

  • 1 tsp turmeric

  • 12 cups water

  • 4 heads baby bok choy, bottoms chopped off

  • 1/2 head kale, chopped

  • optional: 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger


  1. Cut the actual lower part of the originate from your mushrooms and dispose of. Separate stems from tops and cut beat and remaining stem, if vital, into huge pieces. You will just dispose of the actual lower part of the stems, not the full stems as they contain numerous nourishing advantages!
  2. Heat up coconut oil in a huge pot over medium intensity.
  3. Add onions and sauté for 5 minutes or until clear.
  4. Include garlic and cook for 1 more moment.
  5. Include celery and mushrooms and sauté for around 10 minutes or until mushrooms have withered.
  6. Include flavors (counting ginger, if utilizing) and water and heat to the point of boiling.
  7. Then, at that point, let stew, covered for 1 hour or as long as you need (the more you leave, the better!)
  8. Add bok choy and kale as of now of cooking to shrink.
  9. Serve warm or store for as long as multi week in the cooler.
Check out this magical healing bowl recipe.

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